bluenose pitbull puppy

8 Important Things to Know Before Adopting A Bluenose Pitbull Puppy

In Dog Health Tips by IsaacLeave a Comment

Your search for the best bluenose pitbull puppy for sale finally paid off. You have a big smile going home holding a blue nose baby pitbull that cannot wait to start a life with you. Then it hits you; it is your first time at pet parenting, and the bluenose puppy will be like raising a real child.

Getting your first blue nose pit puppy is a big deal. How you raise the little fellow determines if they grow to be a menacing mutt or a mellow fun-loving dog that everybody wants to meet. It all depends on how well you prepare for bringing the new blue pitbull puppy home.

Fortunately, we have all the pointers you need to get started. This information comes from years of living with Pitbulls right from when we got our first puppy.

Without further ado, let’s get to the nitty-gritty.

Get your family on board.

Discuss with your family about getting a dog. Decide who will be the primary caregiver of the dog. Affectionate dogs, like the blue baby pit bulls, tend to get emotionally attached to one person. It is the person who will walk, train, feed, and nurture the dog while still a puppy.

Is any of your family members allergic to pet dander? If yes, then you will have to check in on them with your new decision. You have to decide which rooms the dog can visit and which ones will be off-limits. Other extra measures you will have to take include;

  • Installing an air filter (to remove airborne allergens)
  • Set up a grooming routine (to minimize shedding)
  • Install covers on beds and sofas (control pet hairs)
  • Have a general cleaning day

Who will take care of the dog when you are away? When the primary caregiver is absent, there has to be someone second in command. Agreeing on these details will make your blue baby pitbull feel welcomed once he arrives.

Stock up on puppy supplies

Just as you get a crib, diapers, and clothes for a newborn baby, it is the same when adopting a bluenose puppy. Ensure you stock up on everything you will need to keep the puppy comfortable in your home. Early stocking reduces shopping time and frees up time to spend with your dog. On your list of things to get for a blue baby pitbull, ensure you have;

  • A crate
  • Food and water bowls (separately)
  • Puppy food (kibble or homemade)
  • Pitbull harness/ collar
  • Puppy bed
  • Toys
  • Grooming and cleaning products
bluenose pitbull puppy whelping checklist

Do some housekeeping

Besides getting supplies, you have to make your home more pet-friendly. Puppies love to chew on things, especially when teething. For safety, organize all visible power cords neatly and tuck them away from your puppy’s reach. Do not forget to put away shoes, clothes, toiletry, or cleaning products that may be within reach.

Another way to seal off certain areas in your home is through puppy gates. You can install puppy gates in your kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom to prevent your puppy access to those areas. You also minimize the chances of your puppy having accidents all over the house.

Blue pitbull puppy housetraining

You need to socialize and house-train your puppy immediately. Dogs are more attentive and willing to learn when they are young. The first lesson to teach your bluenose pitbull puppy is how to use a crate. A crate is necessary when you want to monitor your dog’s movements. It prevents your puppy from chewing and destroying stuff. A puppy crate also helps potty train your pitbull dog.

Introduce your dog to the crate gently. Allow the dog to get accustomed to staying inside the dog crate with the door opened. Gradually start locking the crate door when the puppy gets comfortable with its new space. Fill the dog crate with all of the puppy’s favorite things to make it comfortable and homely for it. A training crate is the puppy’s private place for when it wants to spend time alone.

Socializing a puppy to the outside world is crucial as well. It ensures the puppy is comfortable whenever there are guests and other pets around. Take your puppy out for walks in the morning and evening. Let them sniff and explore as much as possible. Socialization is also a way to exercise the dog and ensure he is tired by the time you get home.

Create a routine

All dogs survive on routine. The early you form a daily routine for your bluenose pitbull puppy, the faster it will catch on. Set specific feeding times during the day; it can be in the morning, around lunch, and in the evening. Puppies need to eat three times a day to nourish their developing bodies.

Also, create a potty break routine for your bluenose pitbull puppy. The best times for puppies to go is when they wake up or just after eating. Always lookout for signs that your blue pitbull puppy wants a potty break. It helps reduce accidents around the house.

Have a backup plan

There will be days when you need to leave your newly adopted puppy at home. If you leave alone, then you need ways to keep the puppy preoccupied while you are gone. Hire a dog sitter or dog walker who will keep your dog company while you are gone. It pays if you find someone who connects with your dog on the first encounter. Alternatively, check your dog into a doggy daycare in case you will be out the whole day. Ensure he has some of his prized toys to keep him company.

If your blue nose pitbull puppy gets too anxious when left alone, then going on errands together would be the last resort. On the bright side, you get to bond more with your newfound furry friend.

Find a vet

Find a good vet with who you will be in a long-term partnership. The vet should be good with animals and understands puppy behavior, growth, and development. Ensure you present any health records you got from the bluenose pitbull breeder to the vet.

Get your dog’s papers.

Some good bluenose pitbull breeders register their puppies before letting them out for adoption. In case you are adopting a non-registered pup, take care of it once you bring the puppy home. An important document you should not miss is when adopting a blue pitbull puppy is its pedigree certificate. A pedigree certificate proves that your bluenose pitbull puppy is purebred. Purebred dogs are less likely to have the defects of mixed breed dogs.

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