Proper nutrition is crucial for newborn puppies, especially those unable to nurse naturally. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of tube feeding puppies, ensuring they receive the essential nutrients for healthy growth and development.

Essential Equipment for Tube Feeding Puppies:

  1. 35 ml syringe with an extended tip (non-screw-on type)
  2. Soft rubber feeding tube
  3. Puppy milk replacer containing goat's or lamb's milk (e.g., ESBILAC)
  4. Measuring tape or ruler
  5. Permanent marker
  6. Bulb syringe (for emergencies)

Step-by-Step Guide to Tube Feeding a Puppy:

Step 1: Measure and Mark the Feeding Tube

  • Lay the puppy on a flat surface
  • Measure the tube from the tip of the puppy's nose to the last rib
  • Mark this length on the tube with a permanent marker

Step 2: Prepare the Milk Formula

  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions for mixing the puppy milk replacer
  • Prepare only the amount needed for each feeding to prevent waste

Step 3: Fill the Syringe and Lubricate the Tube

  • Draw the prepared formula into the syringe
  • Coat the tip of the feeding tube with milk to encourage the puppy to lick and swallow

Step 4: Insert the Feeding Tube

  • Gently open the puppy's mouth
  • Allow the puppy to lick the milk-coated tube
  • Slowly slide the tube along the roof of the mouth and into the esophagus
  • Continue inserting until you reach the marked point on the tube

Step 5: Administer the Formula

  • Slowly depress the syringe plunger to release the milk into the puppy's stomach
  • Monitor the puppy for any signs of distress or milk emerging from the nose

Step 6: Remove the Tube

  • Once the feeding is complete, gently withdraw the tube
  • Clean and sterilize all equipment after use

Safety Tips:

  • Never force the tube if you feel resistance
  • If milk appears in the puppy's nose, immediately stop feeding and use a bulb syringe to clear the airways
  • Consult a veterinarian if you're unsure about the process or if the puppy shows any signs of illness

Additional Uses for Tube Feeding:

This method can also be used to administer:

  • Antibiotics
  • Deworming medication
  • Other prescribed medications


Tube feeding is an efficient and safe method to ensure puppies receive proper nutrition when unable to nurse naturally. With practice, the entire process should take less than 3 minutes per puppy. Always consult with a veterinarian for personalized advice on puppy care and nutrition.